You're not gonna believe this...

I was kinda surprised to see inanimae living in human dwellings, but they apparently are kind of dispossessed- mostly mannikins (like the two in this picture) and solimonds. There are a couple crofted glomes and sylphs who feel really shafted by their glade brethren, and also a few kubera that I think just feel sorry for the rest of the crowd.
They were kinda hostile to me at first- they're not used to strangers wandering in on them- but they at least let me stay the night with them in exchange for News From the Outside. Those gnome mannikins in particular were desperate for information; apparently they originally hailed from somebody's yard in St. Augustine, and some unknown horrible something in their pasts was keeping them from going back. I was fascinated but couldn't get them to open up and tell me what it was, alas.

After I left Oleno, I pretty much walked to Lake City, where I am now. I'm hoping to catch a ride out of here in the morning.
As I was coming up to the hotel, This young troll came up to me, sword-and-freakin'-everything, and challenged my right to pass! I'm sorry- I know I shouldn't laugh, but he was just so cute. Kid couldn't have been more than 9. Apparently, he and his big sister (the noble lady in the back) were pretty much what passes for Kithain Law in this town. I convinced them to scrounge me a room (their parents own the motel) and I told Sir Og'n'Smog (I'm not making that up- that was his actual name) tales of valiant knights for his entertainment and edification.
I'm headed towards Tallahassee at this point, I think. Maybe I can catch a plane or a train out of there; I'm getting tired of Florida.
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