And a potato with chili-cheese on top

One of the pirates' sisters was visiting, and offered to give me a ride back her way since I was leaving at the same time. Anyway, I'm here in sunny Gainesville, Florida- home of the Florida Gators, the Burrito Brothers and way more sushi restaurants than you would usually expect in a town this size.
I ran into these guys on accident only a few hours after Beth (sister to Joe the Pirate, the guy who owns the Noisy Cricket) dropped me off at a gas station. I was walking down this big road surrounded by Olive Gardens and Walmarts, when they pulled their van over and offered me a lift. I rather like this picture of us at lunch; I didn't actually take it, though. One of them grabbed my camera and snapped a shot, which is why the framing is a bit weird. I quite like the light and motion in it, though.

Turns out they were on their way to their semiannual nobles- versus- commoners pool game, and they invited me along as an impartial judge. I got a pretty nice shot of Doran (the countess's boggan seneschal) lining up a shot.
The nobles won two out of three games, but no one seemed to hold a grudge- pretty easy-going lot.

After the pool game, the troll headed over to the arcade for some DDR. I would like you all to know that there are few things in this life more amusing than a big-ass troll fast-stepping it to J-pop. Whee!
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